Energy efficiency is something we simply cannot ignore. With technological advances in recent years it is becoming easier than ever to conciously design using energy efficient principles. One requirement of a house is that it should be comfortable to live in. It goes without saying that if it is not habitable, a house cannot be comfortable. To make a house comfortable, certain aspects of civilization are required. We need to have the benefits of technology within the house for us to live in it. Let’s face it: few of us can live without the benefits of technology. Only by having the conveniences of our times available do we stand a chance at having comfortable lives. However, comfort does have a price. To have these technological conveniences we need to consume energy. Energy costs money and, as people will tell you, money is not easy to come by. People try to find ways to save money when possible (at least, the smart ones do). Evidence of this is the way a sale can make a produc...
Explore Dream Home Discovery, where innovative architecture and sustainable home design merge to transform your space. Dive into biomimicry, biophilic design, and neuroarchitecture to create eco-friendly homes. Whether you're building or renovating, find expert advice and creative inspiration to design functional, beautiful spaces that reflect your values and passion. Join us in discovering how to turn your home into a harmonious sanctuary.